Los Amatoros
K-r/18-55/MC Cosmicar 35-70 @4
What's in the files?
Much of the LFC experience is mediated via Lytro's website - at present there's nowhere else that can interpret the files or present them.
As a result of someone hacking the version of the 'light field' that is sent up to the Lytro site, it has become known that the camera analyses the depth information in each image and the desktop software renders a series of JPEGs representing the key depths in the image. This shouldn't be taken as evidence that the LFC is conducting some kind of Photoshop-esque sleight-of-hand to achieve its effects (demos of parallax-shifting processing disprove that), but does give some idea of the capabilities and limitations of the files that get uploaded.
The files downloaded to your computer (Mac OS 10.6.6 and newer, with Windows support due 'during 2012'), are 16MB raw 'light fields'', containing all the data grabbed by the sensor, along with a metadata sidecar file, which includes details of what depths the JPEG slices should be rendered from.
The advantage of always working from the source data is that when the processing becomes more sophisticated (such as offering the promised all-in-focus processing option or the parallax-shift view) those benefits can be applied to every one of your existing images. The company also promises more advanced features such as the ability to select which 'slices' of the light field are available in the uploaded version.
The downside is, of course, that you are currently dependent on Lytro not just to host, but to provide any form of interactive online access to your own images. The trustworthiness of Lytro - which we've no reason to doubt - and its long-term business viability aside, this presents some real concerns for early adopters. Lytro insists that it does not claim ownership of your pictures that you upload - 'they are yours' - but reserves the right to refuse to host or remove your images if it believe they conflict with the company's terms and conditions.
With Lytro's proprietary technology this goes beyond issues of content distribution to the heart of image ownership. Most users reasonably expect that if they buy a camera, they can control the images they shoot, and the question of whether they will be willing to cede exclusive control over the product's defining feature to a single company remains an open question.
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Los Amatoros
K-r/18-55/MC Cosmicar 35-70 @4
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